Marshall's Presentations, Training and Writing
A selection of presentations and seminars conducted at local, regional and national conferences, as well as selected articles and pieces on philanthropy, resource development and nonprofit management.

Change Up Your Questions - Exploring the questions you ask grantees and how
Part of the Grantmaking Track at Blackbaud's "BBCON" annual conference for its nonprofit clients worldwide. September 2024

How to structure, implement, and evaluate an effective mission outreach strategy
Part of a series of online parish resources offered by the Episcopal Parish Network May 2024
Click here to visit the resource page which includes the PowerPoint as well as a recording of the webinar. Click on the session title "Effective Mission Outreach Strategy" to expand and see the resources.

Change Up Your Questions - exploring the questions you ask grantees and how you ask them
Part of Blackbaud Grantmaking's Thought Leader webinar series
February 2024
Click here to be taken to the on-demand recording!
To download a copy of the slide deck, visit the Philanthropy Resources page.

Board Engagement in Fundraising
Compass Pro Bono's 2023 Sorkin Summit - Nonprofit Leadership Training
May 10, 2023
Panelist with Rhea Norwood, Head of Belonging & Enterprise Strategy, Capital One

August 2017 post on how donors can build capacity and increase the impact of their nonprofit partners. Promoted nationally by the National Center for Family Philanthropy in its November 2017 monthly newsletter.

September 2017 paper on how nonprofit organizations and grantmakers need to engage in more productive conversations. Promoted nationally by the National Council of Nonprofits as a follow-up resources to the "Great Funder-Nonprofit Relationships" series hosted by Exponent Philanthropy.

2015 AFP/DMAW Bridge Conference Breakout Session
Adapted into an online article for The Chronicle of Philanthropy by Rebecca Koenig, September 2015

Reflections on how nonprofit organizations are demonstrating leadership in service to the sector. This was adapted into the resource "The Evolution of Excellence" for BoardSource, and it was also the basis for a presentation "What's Leadership Got to Do With it?" made at the 2015 BoardSource Leadership Forum.

Guest lecture in 2019 presented to graduate students studying nonprofit fundraising at the University of Maryland

Guest lecture in 2016 presented to graduate students studying nonprofit management at George Mason University

Call for funders to take a pause and assess their funding over the source of 2017 and to explore adjustments that could be made.

The podcast "Hidden Brain" reminds me of ways to approach excellence and to consider how it happens at nonprofit organizations

An inspirational TED Talk and other experiences illustrate that the ways an organization manages its people can make all the difference